Saturday, April 9, 2011

ongoing project

The fireplace is coming along well. We only had one mishap and I pray no more.

While working on the roof doing some sawing for the chimney to go through J cut his finger and had to go get a few stitches! Ouch! Of course he didn't want to go get it looked at but his mom talked him into it(she's a nurse thank goodness) and I pressed the issue. I would hate for it to have been left and then gotten infected or something. Ten days and the stitches will be out. It looks a bit nasty right now but Lord willing it will heal quickly with no problems.

They are up to placing the stones on the front and the mantel is up. He is being very particular about the placement of the stones and I am grateful for that. It is like watching an artist at work. He places each stone and then decides if he wants that one or maybe a different one would look better or fit better. I will definitely be posting a picture of the finished project. Maybe a few of it as they went along.

Til next time,

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